The Mathew Trust



The original Trust was established during 1935 and was later renamed as The Mathew Trust. The Trust takes its name from Mr James Mathew who initially set up a land settlement scheme in 1935 to help the unemployed during the depression. The land was in the Dunsinane and Dryburgh area of Dundee. 

Trust Objectives

The objectives of the Trust are:

To further and promote, in such manner (including the making of loans, whether secured or unsecured, and whether free of or bearing interest) as the Trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine, any one or more of the following purposes, namely:

a)     The advancement of the education of adult persons in the Local Government areas of the City of Dundee, Angus, Perth & Kinross, and Fife, and

b)    The advancement of the vocational and professional training and retraining of such persons, and

c)     The relief of poverty by providing assistance in the recruitment of such persons who are unemployed, or who are likely to become unemployed in the near future.

The objectives are detailed in The Mathew Trust accounts, which are available on OSCR’s website.

Link to previous accounts

Our Trustees

Lord Provost of Dundee

Mrs Joyce Matthew

Mr Alexander McDonald

Mr Alan McLeod

Who can apply?

Organisations and individuals with charitable aims within the City of Dundee, Angus, Perth & Kinross and Fife who fit within the above noted objectives.

How to apply

There is no set application form to apply to the Trust.

Those wishing to apply can email TRUSTS@HLCA.CO.UK or via post to:

The Mathew Trust

Henderson Loggie LLP


20 Greenmarket



Correspondence should include the following:

  • Description of the project for which the funding is required or reasons for the application if not project based
  • Details of budgeted project spend or further other spend for example, if covering salary costs
  • Period that the grant funding would cover
  • Expected outcomes of the project/charitable objective
  • Copies of Statement of Financial Activities/Profit and Loss account and Balance sheet from the most recent financial statements. An update on events since the year-end financial statements would also be welcomed

Applications are considered at Trustee meetings, which are held regularly throughout the year.

The Secretaries, Henderson Loggie LLP will inform you of the outcome of the application.

Link to OSCR
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